The art of record keeping—what is best practice for childcare documentation?

In early childhood education in Australia, meticulous record keeping is more than a bureaucratic necessity—it is a crucial part of delivering high-quality care. National laws and regulations mandate that early childhood education providers maintain comprehensive childcare documentation across various categories to demonstrate compliance and ensure the best outcomes for children. These regulations are designed to ensure that children receive appropriate support, their progress is monitored effectively and any issues are promptly addressed. 

Best practices for effective childcare documentation 

Effective childcare documentation is crucial for ensuring that each child’s needs are met and their development is carefully monitored. The following best practices provide a solid framework for creating thorough and reliable records that will support both early childcare professionals and families in fostering a child’s growth. 

  1. Consistency—Regularly update records to reflect the latest observations and developments, so information remains relevant and actionable.
  2. Accuracy—Ensure all entries are precise, reflect the true status of each child and support effective planning and communication.
  3. Confidentiality—Maintain strict confidentiality of all records and securely store personal information so it is accessible only to authorised personnel.
  4. Comprehensive entries—Document a wide range of information, including developmental milestones, health updates and social interactions, to provide a holistic view of each child’s progress. 
  5. Timeliness—Record information as soon as possible after observations to avoid gaps and inaccuracies. 
  6. Collaboration—Document the joint efforts of families, the community and the service in facilitating learning opportunities for children. 

Leveraging Xplor Education’s software suite for streamlined childcare documentation 

Xplor Education offers a comprehensive suite of software solutions designed to simplify and enhance the childcare documentation process in early childhood education. Our solutions, Office (admins), Playground (educators) and Home (families), each play a unique role in ensuring that your childcare documentation practices align with national regulations and best practices.

A representation of the Xplor Education ecosystem, which can streamline childcare documentation for services

Office—Centralised management and reporting

Office is the backbone of the Xplor Education record-keeping suite, providing an all-in-one platform for administrative tasks. The key benefit Office provides is automated documentation, such as: 

  • Streamlining the management of vital information with digitised staff and child records 
  • Holding digital copies of documentation and digitised enrolment forms 
  • Providing a re-enrolment option 
  • Notifying teams of necessary document updates—the expiry notifications widget gives four weeks’ notice for expiring documentation 
  • Maintaining compliance and keeping records current with various reporting methods

Playground—Real-time observations and communication

Playground enhances the documentation process by focusing on real-time interactions. Ideal for capturing immediate observations, it features:

  • Instant updates—Health records, medical notifications and incident records are shared from Playground directly to families via the Home app, giving parents and guardians instant access to information important to them.
  • Programming and planning—Educators can record observations, daily write-ups, and critical reflections, track developmental progress, and share programs (either live or held as a draft to continue collaborating on), including behavioural observations. 
  • Integrated communication—Educators can use Messenger, Posts or comments on any health event to seamlessly communicate with parents/guardians, and get updates and feedback directly via the platform.

Home—Engaging parents and guardians

Home extends the childcare documentation process beyond the service setting, facilitating meaningful family engagement. It offers:

  • Family access—Allow parents/guardians to view real-time updates on their child’s progress, including learning milestones, health information and daily activities.
  • Feedback channels—Enable families to provide feedback and share concerns directly through the platform, ensuring all relevant information is captured and addressed.
  • Flexibility—Families can provide feedback by commenting on any health notification, sending messages, or commenting on documentation or admin posts.
  • Secure documentation—Maintain a secure and accessible record of all parent-child interactions and updates, enhancing transparency and collaboration by using Moments.
  • Health and safety documentation—Using the Home app, families can record health and medical events for themselves.
A screenshot of an update in the Home family app next to a smiling mother holding a smiling baby, one example of how Xplor Education helps with childcare documentation

National regulations and early childcare documentation

Early childhood education providers in Australia must adhere to strict regulations for record keeping. These regulations ensure that every aspect of a child’s experience and development is documented comprehensively. Here’s a closer look at the childcare documentation requirements across the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS).

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 1—Educational program and practice

  • Curriculum documentation—Detailed plans and records outlining the educational program, including learning outcomes and strategies tailored to individual children’s developmental needs
  • Assessment records—Observations, assessments and evaluations track each child’s learning and development 
  • Daily program records—Documentation of daily activities and experiences provided to children 
  • Staff planning records—Evidence of planning meetings and collaborative efforts among educators, including critical reflections and learning cycles

Xplor Education’s Playground platform enables you to collaborate on, save and share curriculum plans. It also allows you to create and share daily activities, store observations and tag learning outcomes and milestones for each child. You can even use Documents in Playground to store meeting minutes. 

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 2—Children’s health and safety

  • Health records—Documentation of children’s health conditions, medical records and any special health needs
  • Incident reports—Records of incidents or accidents involving children, including actions taken and follow-up
  • Emergency procedures—Written plans and procedures for emergencies, including fire drills and evacuation plans
  • Medications records—Documentation of medications administered to children, including consent forms and administration logs
  • Hygiene practices—Records demonstrating adherence to hygiene practices, such as cleaning schedules and food safety protocols

Playground enables you to log health events (including medication records) for individual children or in bulk. Incident reports are created in Playground and shared with families via the Home family app. Previous health events and incident reports are all stored in the cloud. 

A screenshot of the Incident Report (essential for childcare documentation) in Playground, showing a model of child's body where educators can indicate injuries

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 3—Physical environment

  • Maintenance records—Documentation of regular maintenance, repairs and safety inspections of the physical environment and equipment
  • Safety checks—Records of safety audits and hazard assessments 
  • Environmental policies—Written policies for using and maintaining a safe physical environment that promotes a conducive learning environment 

You can quickly create checklists or Tables in Playground to document safety checks and maintenance of your service’s physical environment. In addition, any safety or environmental policies can be stored as a Document in Playground, ready to access on your next assessment. 

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 4—Staffing arrangements

  • Staff qualifications—Records of staff qualifications, training and professional development
  • Staffing rosters—Documentation of staffing arrangements, including ratios and shifts
  • Performance reviews—Records of staff performance evaluations and feedback
  • Employment records—Documentation for employment agreements, qualifications, certifications, professional development and performance improvements, working with children checks and inductions 

 The expiring attachments widget in Office can help ensure staff qualifications stay up to date while you keep track of performance and employment reviews in educator profiles. The rosters and reports in Office make it easy to show compliance with ratios and other staffing arrangements. 

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 5—Relationships with children

  • Interaction records—Documentation of interactions between educators and children, including strategies used to build relationships and support individual needs
  • Behaviour management plans—Records of behaviour management strategies and individual support plans
  • Feedback and reflection—Evidence of reflection on practices and feedback from children regarding their experiences 

Playground makes it easy to share photo and video interactions with children. You can also record confidential notes in child profiles in Office to maintain a record of behavioural concerns or family conversations. 

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 6—Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

  • Family communication records—Documentation of communication with families, including meeting notes, newsletters and feedback
  • Partnership records—Records of agreements and collaborations with community organisations and services 
  • Family participation—Evidence of family involvement in the service, such as participation in events or contributions to planning 

Comments on Posts and digital learning timelines will serve as a record of communication with families, along with any exchanges in Xplor Education’s Messenger. Moments that families share with educators further add to family communication records and participation. 

Childcare documentation in Quality Area 7—Governance and leadership

  • Policies and procedures—Comprehensive documentation of governance and management policies and procedures
  • Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)—Documentation of the service’s Quality Improvement Plan, including goals, strategies and progress reviews
  • Financial records—Records for financial management, including budgets, expenditures and audits
  • Compliance records—Documentation demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements and standards

Documents in Playground is a great place to store policies, procedures and QIPs. Office offers several financial reports to help with financial records, particularly with end-of-financial-year reporting. 

Effective record keeping is integral to assessing each child’s needs, planning educational activities and ensuring compliance with legislative standards.

A screenshot of the Learning Analysis tab in Playground with an inset of a smiling educator holding a tablet

The right platform can help streamline childcare documentation at your service

Effective record keeping in early childhood education is essential for meeting national regulations and delivering high-quality care. By adopting best practices and leveraging advanced tools like Xplor Education’s Office, Playground, and Home, early education providers can streamline their childcare documentation processes, ensure accuracy and foster better communication with families. 

Embracing these tools not only helps you with meeting regulatory requirements but also enhances the overall quality of education and care you provide. When executed with precision and supported by innovative solutions, the art of record keeping becomes a powerful asset in nurturing the development and wellbeing of every child in your care.

For more tips and ideas on documenting evidence for the NQS, we offer several more in-depth resources on how the Xplor Education suite of tools can streamline documentation for each quality area. To learn more about how Xplor Education’s all-in-one childcare management platform can streamline operations and childcare documentation at your early education service, get in touch for a quick chat. We’d love to talk to you about reducing admin so you can spend more time caring for the children entrusted to you.

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Natasha Veiman

Training Specialist

A former childcare centre manager and customer success coordinator at Xplor Education, Tash now empowers childcare staff to get the most out of Xplor Education’s suite of tools.